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Aggregation Patterns of Green Frog Tadpoles in Relation to Temperature and Depth
"A small pond in Ottawa County, MI, was studied to determine if a correlation existed between aggregation patterns of Green frog tadpoles (Rana…
Vegetational Changes from 1845 to 1986 Within a Portion of Chippewa County, MI
"An area of 36,480 acres {14,774 ha) within Chippewa Co., Michigan was examined to determine the changes in forest distribution over 141 years. The…
Electornmicrographic Study of the Morphological Malformations Caused By Benzoyl Ureas Upon the Eastern Spruce Budworm
The scope of this project was to generate and document the morphological malformations caused by either of two benzoyl ureas (Dimilin and UC 62644),…